La Citadelle

Download booking form

You may, if you wish, download and print our booking form to save you time in making a booking. However, before filling it in and mailing it back to us, do telephone or email us first to make a provisional booking, because availability might just have changed. We can also check that La Citadelle fully meets your requirements, and advise you of the address to use for mailing the booking.

If you prefer us to mail (or email) you a booking form, tell us when agreeing the provisional booking.

from the farmhouse - click to enlarge

Click HERE to download the booking form in Microsoft Word format. If you choose to save it, you can print it at any time.

If you cannot print the terms and conditions on the back of the booking form, please print them separately and sign and date them, and send them to us with the booking form. If mailing it from the UK, do use a "European" stamp (slightly more than first class) - otherwise delivery might easily take 2 weeks!

Jane and Eric Finlayson

Tel: + 44 (0) 1538 381326


France + 33 (0)553 806923